
With the advancement of nanotechnology, there has been fervid research activity on new communication paradigms suitable for new challenging contexts, such as biological systems. Among different approaches, the most considered has been artificial Molecular Communication, where entities such as synthetic molecules, enzymes, hormones, bacteria etc. are functionalized in order to implement information exchange with the surrounding system and with other entities. In this context, it is interesting to analyze specific features that could be exploited for effective communication paradigms. In this paper, we focus on chiral molecules (a.k.a. enantiomers) as novel enablers for a molecular communication paradigm. Chirality is an interesting and appealing feature existing in nature and that can be replicated with strong emphasis in new types of materials, such as metasurfaces and metamaterials. A deep knowledge of chirality features and how chiral molecules interact with each other or with achiral molecules provides insights into designing a new molecular communication technique suitable for biological environments. In this contribution, we will highlight the main applications of chiral molecules and we will present chiral features as the viable way for realizing a nanocommunication system.

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