
This paper reports on development of standardized methods for military coalitions to interoperate command and control (C2) systems with simulation systems (C2SIM). Such a system-of-systems results in improved functionality and timeliness for participants in national configurations, with even more benefit in coalitions. Command and control software systems enable commanders, staffs, and other participants to exchange tasking information (Orders) and status information for situational awareness (Reports). Simulations are useful as C2 system elements for analysis and to stimulate training and mission rehearsal. C2SIM enables plug-and-play interoperation of C2 and simulation systems. It has particular value in a coalition environment, where participants from each nation use their own C2 system and simulations. The paper focuses on North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO) activities in C2SIM, describing the technical approach and software used to achieve interoperability, and provides examples of success.

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