
It is widely recognised that collaboration in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) sector increases productivity and improves quality, competitiveness and profitability. This poses the problem of what are the most appropriate collaboration methods available to accommodate unique work settings and virtual-organisation-like modus operandi. With building information modelling (BIM) being imposed by the government on AEC projects by 2016, the development of new technology for collaboration purposes is one solution to this problem. Unfortunately, information technologies have failed in productivity growth, despite previous governments’ attempts – most famously, with the 2004 Latham and 2008 Egan reports. BIM is not about a specific technology, but about ensuring the whole-sector adoption is fundamental. In fact, many SMEs within the sector would like to be implementing BIM, not only for the business productivity, but also so as not to get left behind. It is, however, commonly observed that SMEs have fewer chances to get it right, and so they need guidance. Debate over whether or not to use BIM has become almost irrelevant. Instead, the question raised is how collaborative technologies promote collaborative working between large companies and SMEs in the AEC sector to increase productivity and improve quality to meet the high collaboration demands? Against this background, several approaches from the literature were reviewed. This led to identification of the key elements on which to focus during the collaborative-technologies implementation to enhance successful collaboration. A qualitative study of fourteen cases was developed in order to map the current practice of the collaborative-technologies implementations and their success level in the AEC sector. The case studies revealed a number of factors affecting the success of collaborative-technologies implementations. These factors were affecting the collaboration at the organisation level. This also led to further investigation of the factors affecting the collaboration at the end-user level. The quantitative study of a survey returned by sixty-four respondents was guided by the list of elements proposed by the review developed from the literature. The results suggested that the success of collaborative technologies depends on twenty-three factors. This research concluded that collaborative technologies are effective methods to support collaboration within the AEC and meet the demands of the sector, when strategically implemented, underlined by a set of factors. Recommendations that emerged from these findings are used to suggest a path for SMEs to implement BIM into AEC, so that they are better prepared for the future ways of working.

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