
The word “IESO” (old Spanish for plaster) appeared in Sebastian de Covarrubias 1611 (Thesaurus of the Castilian or Spanish language), the first dictionary of the Spanish language, where it was defined as follows: “a certain kind of rock, not hard; one very shiny variety that glitters like glass is called mirror rock”. The general term “YESO” (modern Spanish) has two different meanings. On the one hand, it refers to gypsum, a mineral particularly abundant in Spain (where it is the main constituent of 11.5 per cent of the country’s surface ground), and on the other to the industrial product obtained from gypsum, namely plaster.


  • The general term “YESO” has two different meanings

  • Si el volumen original de agua se reduce en un 20% precipita sulfato de calcio

  • ’’La piedra yeso está cristalizada en diferentes figuras y aspecto interior y exterior; pero en cuanto a sus propiedades toda es una, con la diferencia de ser más o menos limpia o más o menos fuerte”

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The general term “YESO” (modern Spanish) has two different meanings. On the one hand, it refers to gypsum, a mineral abundant in Spain (where it is the main constituent of 11.5 per cent of the country’s surface ground), and on the other to the industrial product obtained from gypsum, namely plaster. El YESO, como mineral, es una roca de origen sedimentario, evaporita, que se forma por evaporación de las sales disueltas en el agua del mar o en lagos salados que precipitan formando depósitos sedimentarios llamados evaporitas. El agua del mar contiene cerca de un 3,5% de sales disueltas: cloruro de sodio: 2,94%, cloruro de magnesio 0,32%, sulfato de magnesio: 0,13% y sulfato de calcio: 0,14% y, en proporciones menores, bromuro de sodio (0,06%), cloruro de potasio (0,05% ), carbonato de calcio 0,01% y óxido de hierro 0,001%).

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