
Background: Universal concern is an increased prevalence of morbidity, mortality; with improper comprehension, the globe has implemented, non evidence-based medical practice, without therapeutic indication, therapeutic protocols, policies-contraception, abortion, annihilating human race by therapy, destroying germ cells with consecutive systemic inflammatory response syndrome, associated with decreased androgen oestrogen resulting in metabolic syndrome, increased neoplasms—due to lacuna of this comprehension—cholesterol was blamed, resulting in essential fatty acids deprived diet, promoting sunflower seed oil, refined oil, lipid-lowering agents prescription like water, for the past >40 years; the tragedy of this false concept of refined oil, essential fatty acids deprived diet, [against God-ordained marvelous cell metabolism, from cholesterol] resulting in degenerative diseases, defaulted genomic repertoire, as cause and effect phenomenon in the two following morbid, fatal case presentations; contraception, abortion is the culprit and not cholesterol which is the basic life moiety of cell membrane, cell metabolism governing steroid hormones-androgen oestrogen derived from cholesterol. Case 1: 76-year-old male, vegetarian, presented with lethargy, hypotension, unexplained hyponatremia, on fludrocortisone for 2 years. MRI detected empty sella; hence hypopituitarism with cortisol deficiency, resulting in hyponatremia was considered and with hydrocortisone replacement, patient improved. Low levels of LDL, HDL, suggested chronic [>40 years] deprivation of diet containing essential fatty acids had resulted in degenerative—empty sella status with hypopituitarism. Case 2: 17-year-old girl presented with headache, vomiting, feeble pulse; 6 months prior platybasia had been diagnosed and she had undergone corrective neurosurgery, to widen bilaterally, narrowed, base of skull foramina, to prevent compression on the exiting neurovascular bundles; urgent CT scan of brain confirmed significant narrowing of foramen magnum, compressing brainstem; she expired within 30 minutes secondary to brainstem edema. Low levels of HDL, LDL confirmed, long term [~16 years] deprivation of essential fatty acids intake, leading to decreased steroid hormone synthesis—including oestrogen—the surveilling hormone for cell metabolism, including skull base, having resulted in progressive Platybasia, compressing brainstem. Conclusion: Though both patients belonged to affluent society it was the sincere adherence to the false detrimental concept of essential fatty acids deprived diet, which was the cause and effect phenomenon of degenerative empty sella syndrome, ineffectual cell-bone metabolism presenting as platybasia.


  • Low levels of HDL, LDL confirmed, long term [~16 years] deprivation of essential fatty acids intake, leading to decreased steroid hormone synthesis—including oestrogen—the surveilling hormone for cell metabolism, including skull base, having resulted in progressive Platybasia, compressing brainstem. Though both patients belonged to affluent society it was the sincere adherence to the false detrimental concept of essential fatty acids deprived diet, which was the cause and effect phenomenon of degenerative empty sella syndrome, ineffectual cell-bone metabolism presenting as platybasia

  • It is dangerous to give thyroid replacement, without correcting adrenal insufficiency, without giving glucocorticoid therapy; this will precipitate adrenal crisis. This elderly male was sincerely consuming sunflower seed oil, refined oil, avoiding fried preparations, consuming fat free milk; essential fatty acids deprived diet will result in reduced cholesterol synthesis, leading to low LDL, IDL, with resultant reduced steroid hormone synthesis, cell membrane [1] synthesis, and bile acid synthesis, leading to reduced HDL formation reflecting on increased associated degenerative changes in all tissue, including Dura, Pia Arachnoid, leading to Empty Sella with consecutive changes and hypopituitarism

  • This young girl was fed on refined oil, sunflower seed oil, with love and concern from childhood, was avoiding fried preparations, her LDL was low; her steroid hormone synthesis, [governing new cell formation—cell metabolism] new cell membrane synthesis were reduced, resulting in poor anabolism of all tissues, [reflected by her very low HDL] including bone metabolism, as a consequence platybasia, which progressed as even her diet was not corrected to include virgin coconut oil, or virgin olive oil, oil preparations, for lack of awareness, that cholesterol is the basic life factor of cell membrane and it’s the animal fat-triglycerides deleterious

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Manifold increasing prevalence of morbidity, mortality, which induces global concern; metabolic syndrome, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, defaulted genomic repertoire, poor healing capacity in the cells, i.e. impaired new cell formation; increase in degenerative diseases, neoplastic diseases, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases are on the rise, by wanton unaware germ cells destruction by non evidence based medical practice, i.e. without therapeutic indication, therapeutic protocols, therapeutic policies, implementation of contraception, abortion, resulting in germ cells destruction, associated with agonisingly reduced androgen, oestrogen, followed by deranged cell metabolism, autoimmune diseases, neoplasms. Unaware of this cholesterol was blamed, because of contraception, abortion, cholesterol was getting dammed and not getting utilised for cell membrane synthesis, steroid hormone synthesis, bile acid synthesis; but a false concept of essential fatty acids deprived diet, refined oil, sunflower seed oil [meant for parrots—human cells lack the LDL receptors for sunflower seed oil] resulting in impaired cell metabolism, metabolic defect, degenerative and neoplastic diseases to increase 6 fold, 60% [1]

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