
Tribal communities worldwide face various challenges related to economic development, education, healthcare, and cultural preservation. The intersection of innovation and entrepreneurship offers a transformative approach to address these challenges while respecting cultural heritage. This article explores how innovative business models and entrepreneurship can contribute to traditionally preserve the occupation, economic empowerment, sustainable livelihood enhancement, and education and skill development within tribal communities. Three hypotheses are formulated to investigate the relationships between these objectives: 1) Innovation and entrepreneurship contribute to traditional occupation preservation and economic empowerment; 2) Entrepreneurial initiatives provide sustainable livelihood options beyond subsistence agriculture; and 3) Innovation in education and skill development enhances access to training and opportunities for tribal youth. By examining these hypotheses, this article contributes to a comprehensive understanding of how innovation and entrepreneurship can foster sustainable progress while preserving the rich heritage of tribal communities. Keywords: Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Economic Empowerment, Sustainable Development

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