
The empowerment program in Blitar City is required by the community since the empowerment is expected to provide new employment. One of the programs is the empowerment of star fruit agro-tourism in Karangsari village by Blitar city government. The goal of this research is to describe the empowerment program conducted by the Blitar district government to the community as well as the obstacles that exist in the empowerment program. The research method used is qualitative with descriptive approach. Focus to the empowerment provided by the government of Blitar City to the community of Karangsari village in the management of tourism icon of starfruit agro-tourism. The outcomes of this research is empowerment done by government of Blitar City has succeeded to bear benefit towards society of Karangsari village society with new employment and marketing access of star fruit and processed star fruit. However, there are still several obstacles such as lack of promotion of star fruit agro-tourism in Blitar City.


  • Indonesia merupakan negara yang sangat menganut asas desentralisasi, dimana pemerintah memberikan kewenangan kepada masing-masing wilayah untuk mengatur wilayahnya sendiri

  • The empowerment program in Blitar City is required by the community since the empowerment is expected to provide new employment

  • of the programs is the empowerment of star fruit agro-tourism in Karangsari Village

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Indonesia merupakan negara yang sangat menganut asas desentralisasi, dimana pemerintah memberikan kewenangan kepada masing-masing wilayah untuk mengatur wilayahnya sendiri. Dengan adanya otonomi daerah maka setiap daerah dapat mengembangkan potensinya, begitu pula dengan Kota Blitar yang mengembangkan agro wisata buah belimbing. Sumber data penulis memperoleh dengan cara wawancara dan pengamatan langsung, serta memperoleh data primer dari pengusaha belimbing, petugas agrowisata dan pegawai dinas pariwisata, Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Daerah Kota Blitar. Kota Blitar memiliki visi ―menuju masyarakat sejahtera yang berkeadilan dan religius melalui APBD pro rakyat jilid 2‖ dengan penjabaran salah satu misinya adalah e-ISSN 2598-1064

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