
The Giriloyo Batik Tulis Association is confronted with a fundamental challenge: how to maintain and preserve the tradition of batik tulis while the technology-based batik business grows. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach to describe the empowerment of batik tulis groups in the Giriloyo and several inhibiting and solutions to issues associated with empowerment of batik tulis groups. The findings show that roles of paguyuban in empowerment are facilitator; coordinator; relation; information; marketing; social control; mediators; evaluation; and innovator. The inhibiting factors are the weakness in the HR sector, generational crisis, facilities, empowerment patterns, management, and unequal vision. The solution to the problems being pursued by the association are training programs; managing potential resources within the community as employment opportunities for the younger generation, launching professional personnel in certain fields; sustainable empowerment; grouping tourism village administrators with batik associations; strentening association through deliberation (musyawarah) and consensus (mufakat)

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