
A lot of batik trainings have been done by the Surabaya city government, but batik craftsmen have never received training in the creative process of producing batik motifs. They do not have the confidence to draw their own batik motifs. During this time, they only imitated existing images (from television, magazines or other peoples batik motifs), then copy them. Thus, the originality of the motifs cannot be accounted for. Those crafmen actually have limitations in their drawing skills, however, they have a high willingness to learn and to improve their skills. They are also willing to give time and place to have discussion between their busy schedule of the household. The field of crafmanship still becomes an interesting job for women, such as sewing, handicrafts, making dishes or cakes and several other types of home industries (including making batik) because they are related to womens domestic duties. The involvement of women in craftsmanship can enhance the role of women, increase womens skill, and improve the quality of their life. Especially for the women who are affected by the closure of Dolly localization, in Surabaya, in 2014. This community empowerment activity is carried out by a team of lecturers who teach art and design in Visual Communication Design and Interior Design Study Program, Faculty of Art and Design, Petra Christian University. This activity aims to enhance creativity and originality of works. The form of activity is a series of design activities in accordance with the creativity of craftsmen without leaving the values of local wisdom.

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