
Indonesia is blessed with the wonderful and beautiful Lake Toba catchment area where diverse bamboo species grow and provide socio economic benefits to the Bataknese community indigenous to the region. The bamboo resource, however, hasn’t been sustainably managed due mainly to over-cutting while cultivation has been insignificant. This study aims to investigate the relevant interventions for achieving sustainable bamboo resource in this region. Data were derived from questionnaire surveys of 154 women and in-depth interviews with 65 respondents in Simalungun and Karo districts. In order to identify the cause of problem and strategies for sustainable management, a problem tree analysis was conducted. Findings of the study show that strengthening institutional framework, utilizing efficiently, enhancing initiatives on bamboo conservation and development, and promoting local stakeholders are identified as strategies for sustainable management. The basic notions are that achieving sustainable management is feasible only with stakeholders’ support, and local communities must be provided with decent incomes by efficient utilization. Furthermore, bamboo management must be supported by promoting gender equality and empower women related to their control over bamboo plantation and harvesting, market access and other decision-making opportunities on income and expenditure. The study recognizes that there is a strong relationship between decision making authority and women empowerment.


  • Indonesia is blessed with the beautiful Lake Toba Catchment Area consisting of approximately 110,000 hectares of lake and 280,000 hectares of land where diversity of bamboo species grows and provides social, cultural and economic benefits to the Batak people, the indigenous of region

  • The study findings indicate promoting local stakeholders identified as some of the potential strategies for sustainable bamboo management

  • The basic idea is that sustainable bamboo management can only be done with the support of stakeholders, especially local communities, and in this consideration, local people should be provided with a decent income by using the resources efficiently

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Indonesia is blessed with the beautiful Lake Toba Catchment Area consisting of approximately 110,000 hectares of lake and 280,000 hectares of land where diversity of bamboo species grows and provides social, cultural and economic benefits to the Batak people, the indigenous of region. More than 1400 bamboo species around the world, there are at least 16 bamboo species that are utilized by local communities around Lake Toba, such as Gigantoclhoa apus, Dendrocalamus asper, and others. Wide utilization of bamboo is support by the properties, including straight, strong, easy to split, cut and process with relatively cheap price. Bamboo is processed into modern products such as panels and boards that compete with wood products in performance [4]. The multi-benefits of bamboo open the demand for this resource in line with society development

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