
The Asian American literary work written by Eddie Huang, Fresh off the Boat expounds how the immigrant family pursuits the ideal American Dream in Orlando. Asian American characters can hardly survive in the racist fissure due to ethnic discrimination and denigration in Western immigrant society. Being absurdly imposed with stereotyped images arising from culture collisions, how the protagonist of the reminiscence strives for being a warrior to subvert prejudiced stereotypes in traumatic life experiences is the dominant issue to be analyzed in this paper in accordance with the following steps: First, expound the crisis of uncertain Asian American identity resulting from culture collision; Second, decipher model minority myth imposed with racial bias; Third, probe into traumatic experiences caused by stereotype in various space; Fourth, discuss the formation of Asian American subjectivity through the perspective of cultural diversification, and finally, explore the finding of how ethnic stereotype is subverted for subjectivation.

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