
Survey Activities of “Empowering Society” activities were carried out in Dusun Wangun, Pasirmulya Village, Bandung Regency. This activity aims to improve and develop the conditions of Wangun Hamlet, Pasirmulaya Village, Bandung Regency. The targeted increase this time is the decision that needs to be taken regarding the cultural tourism village stall in Wangun Village. The decision taken is whether the stall needs to be built from scratch or just enough to be renovated. In addition, this activity also looks for parts of Wangun Village that can be developed or improved. This activity is carried out using surveys and observations. Of course, utilizing surveys and observations, each party involved in the activity needs to be on site. In this case, the parties involved are Community Development Academics from Bina Nusantara University and lecturers from Bina Nusantara University who can contribute to this activity. The activity began at the Bina Nusantara Syahdan Campus, where the parties involved began working in the village of Wangun Village. Arriving at Wangun Village, the parties involved carry out the survey and observation of the survey location, namely the Wangun Village cultural tourism village and locations around Wangun Village. From observations, it has been determined based on a joint decision that the stalls will be remade, not renovated. The stall will be made with a size of 3 meters x 3 meters. The stall design is made in the 2D and 3D form at AutoCAD to facilitate the stall construction, as well as the materials needed for construction have been made in MS. Excel. Empowering Society activities can be continued by following the design and pricing plans for the stall.

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