
Household waste management is a crucial issue that affects environmental quality and public health. Eco-enzyme, composting and maggot farming are innovative and sustainable methods to transform organic waste into valuable products. This community service activity aimed to empower Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah members in Jamus Kauman, Kecamatan Ngluwar, Kabupaten Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia, and to adopt these methods in their daily lives. The activity was conducted in collaboration with the local environmental agency and NGOs concerned with waste management and involved 30 participants, mostly women and youth, from the village. The participants received training on the principles and techniques of making eco-enzyme, composting and maggot farming, as well as field visits to successful examples of organic waste management. The participants demonstrated high enthusiasm and interest in learning the skills and knowledge and expressed their commitment to apply them in their own households. The activity also contributed for reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills, producing organic fertilizers and animal feed, and enhancing the income and livelihood of the participants. Male trainees were more interested in maggot farming compared to eco enzyme production and composting, as it was more economically beneficial. The activity served as a model and inspiration for other communities and stakeholders to adopt similar practices and promote environmental sustainability.

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