
Cancer is one of the non-communicable diseases that has become a public health problem in the world including Indonesia. Every year there are 12 million people worldwide suffering from cancer and 7.6 million of them die. If adequate control measures are not taken, by 2030 it is estimated that 26 million people will suffer from cancer and 17 million of them will die. (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia and Directorate General of PP and PL Directorate of Non-Communicable Disease Control 2011). The general objective of this community service is to increase the role of health cadres in the context of early detection of childhood cancer (Leukemia) in the Surabaya city health centre area. The implementation of Community Service Activities is the empowerment of Health Cadres / Posyandu in the Pacar Keling Surabaya Puskesmas area, The implementation of activities in collaboration with partners, namely cadres in the Surabaya Pacar Keling Pusksmas area, which began with direct meetings, there were changes online and offline. Activities carried out between lecturers, students and cadres along with the team from Puskesmas Pacar Keling Surabaya. Community service activities on empowering cadres in the context of early detection of cancer (Leukemia) in children in the Surabaya Pacar Keling Puskesmas area, participants / cadres play an active role by showing attendance: 100% and responses to activities were mostly very good 22 (73.3%), the accuracy of implementation was mostly good19 (63.3%). Community service activities, regarding counseling on the concept of leukaemia disease and its management showed mostly very good 21 (70%) and training in the process of early detection of cancer (Leukemia) in children, documenting the results of the process of early detection of cancer (Leukemia) in children showed mostly very good 20 (66.7%).
 It is recommended that community service activities on Empowering Cadres in the context of Early Detection of Cancer (Leukemia) in Children in the Puskesmas Pacar Keling Surabaya Region: Continuing with the material there, Material with other topics to increase insight, Activity methods carried out in direct meetings to reduce communication barriers

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