
Employer branding involves efforts on the part of employer to promote self on the grounds of its uniqueness and desirability as an employer, both within and outside the firm. Employer branding has gained immense popularity amongst practicing managers in recent years. Therefore, the quest was to study the relationship of Employer Branding with the two very strategically important constructs, i.e., Motivation and Intention to Stay. Development of questionnaire was carried out with the help of standardized scale and was utilized to measure the perception of employees from four public sector undertakings (PSU), namely, State Bank of India (SBI), Punjab National Bank (PNB), Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), and Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC). The sample size was of 120 respondents which included the employees from top level, middle level, and junior level management. The statistical tests employed for this research investigation were Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). It was found that Employee Motivation explains Employer Branding to the tune of 85%, whereas Employer Branding is further explaining “Intention to Stay” to the extent of 25%. Being based on the primary data, the accuracy of the study is dependent on the reliability of the responses given by the respondents. The outcomes of the study would be useful for the PSU’s to strategize their priorities in order to create a good Employer Brand by motivating employees and thereby retaining employees. The linkage between motivation of employees, Intention to Stay, and Employer Branding has been explored in this study, and this could be probably showcasing the importance of motivating the employees to usher in a good image for the organization. The researchers have also developed a unique model which could be followed by the organizations to curb attrition.

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