
Identifying the dimensions of the employer brand attractiveness of Indian ‘Generation Z’ students who are prospective employees on an overall basis and for certain segments of students, the study is conducted. Generation Z belongs to the age cohort, which has just started entering the workplace during this study. The study identifies the organizational attributes most significant in attracting Indian Generation Z B-School students to seek and aspire for employment. Segmentation was done based on the student’s gender, specialization, and previous work experience to differentiate the perception factors. Finally, the comparison of Millennials and Gen Z preferred attributes showed a degree of similarity of employer preference attributes for Millennials and Gen Z, as both generations preferred instrumental factors. Still, Gen Z preferred more growth and learning opportunities than Millennials, who favoured compensation and organizational attributes. A sample of 160 Gen-Z B-School students from India is 15 B-Schools were surveyed to acquire the data to meet the requirements.

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