
This study aims to explore employees’ perceptions on workplace management practices (i.e., planning before workplace change, implementation process, management after workplace change) of PTT headquarters building in Thailand. Another purpose is to examine workplace change development during COVID-19 to understand its plan and process, which serves as a means to contribute to FM and CREM theory. A case study of five departments implementing workplace adaptation at PTT headquarters, a company in oil and gas business, was conducted. The research methods include document analysis, employee satisfaction survey and interview. Employees’ responses to workplace management practices in different stages (i.e., before, during, and after workplace change) were affected by the company’s strategic direction and management approach in terms of the planning and implementation of workplace change development. This study shows that employee engagement and involvement process are important during and after workplace change. The lacking of this process causes negative impacts as shown in the low satisfaction percentages in several aspects including improving workplace according to suggestions from employees and allowing employees to train and practice on workplace occupancy. No existing research has appraised of employees’ responses in terms of the preparation and implementation of workplace change. This study provides new insights into workplace change development during COVID-19 from the planning, implementation and management after the change and their impacts on employees’ perceptions.

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