
As the global economy is progressively knowledge driven, and with a global skills shortage, intellectual capital has become a source of competitive advantage for organizations. Likewise, in this 21st century, the success of an organization depends on dynamic and diverse environmental influences. One of the issues is managing outflow of employees from the organisations, as proliferation of turnover will lead the organizations towards weak competition. Considering the banking sector as an industry heavily relied on human resources, it is always a priority issue. Similarly, employee job engagement is also one of the factor which create an impact on the organisation. It has a vital adobe in understanding employees' job engagement and more vital while understanding, predicting and managing the turnover intentions. That's lead finally towards understanding actual turnover. This research study focuses on the employees' job engagement and its relationship, impact and demographic mediation towards employees' turnover intentions in Nepalese private banking industry context. The research concludes showcasing the negative effects of employees' job engagement on the turnover behavioral decision of an employees in banking industry in Nepal. Age mediate in job engagement and gender mediate the turnover intentions.

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