
Good governance is the result of an over all awareness of the problems and their timely and efficacious solution. Industrial peace plays a vital role in this behalf. Employer and employees relationship when cordial and peaceful brings economic development. It comes by respecting the rights of each other and paying them honestly and punctually avoiding all sorts of unfair labour practice from both sides. Healthy and constructive trade union activities are in the long run a training forum for democratic and civilized process in any society. It is the mala fide or unfair labour practice that cause damage to the industrial peace. Labour is to work hard to the satisfaction of the employer according to its capacity and the employer is to provide every human facility in a pleasant and respectful manner before the sweat of the labourers dries i.e. well in time. Where master and servant or employer and employee relations are cordial the working in such factories is much more productive, qualitative and competing in standards. Employment is not slavery. It is a contract by mutual consent keeping in view the freedom and liberty of both sides. Statutes only regulate where the need arise as the ultimate resolution of dispute not resolved at mutual level is to be resolved by the state tribunals, where everything is to be seen and judged according to law and under the law.

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