
Almost all companies in the world have implemented the work from home (WFH) system in the last two years with the aim of limiting community activities in suppressing the spread of Covid-19. Interestingly, both companies and employees also feel benefited from this system, one of which for employees is that they can arrange work places and positions so that they can increase work motivation, for companies they can reduce company costs such as office rental costs. This study aims to analyze the effect of work from home on work motivation, job satisfaction and employee performance, the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance, the effect of work motivation on employee performance, and to create scenarios for managing employee performance. The study was conducted in October 2021 on 86 respondents who work at PT XYZ Jakarta, Surabaya and Medan branches. They were selected by volunteer sampling with the criteria of employees who have worked for at least one year with the level of position as supervisor and staff who have been assigned to work from home. Data were collected by distributing online questionnaires, then analyzed using descriptive analysis and SEM-PLS with the SmartPLS application and TAIDA analysis to determine managerial implications. The results showed that Work from Home had a direct and positive significant effect on Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction but not significant on Employee Performance, Job Satisfaction had a direct and positive effect on Employee Performance, and Work Motivation had no direct effect on Employee Performance. The form of managerial implications that can be carried out for managing employee performance is by using a hybrid work system, namely employees can work with a mixed system between work from home and work in the office. Keywords: job satisfaction, employee performance, work motivation, work from home.

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