
Many colleges use some form of an employee performance appraisal process. Yet, despite prevalent use, the performance appraisal process is facing growing criticism. The author reviews the literature regarding the process of performance appraisal in higher education, focusing on articles supportive of the use of the performance appraisal, and those that are not. The advocates of performance appraisals cite implementation flaws as the cause for dissatisfaction among users. Essentially, they contend that the process will work if properly used. Furthermore, it is noted that supervisors, more than the employees themselves, tend to favor the use of performance appraisals. Critics of performance appraisals question the validity of the process in general. Followers of W. Edwards Deming view the performance appraisal process as divisive within the organization, and thus counterproductive to organizational development. They state that the use of ratings in an employee performance appraisal establishes arbitrary divisions among employees. Furthermore, they contend that intrinsic rewards are far more effective as a motivator of employees. The author suggests that as an alternative to performance appraisal organizations should consider a professional growth model. Elements in this model include: (a) a focus on employee success, (b) a priority for leadership development training for supervisors, and (c) a special performance appraisal process for those employees who need targeted focus in performance.

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