
This study was a i med a t revealing: (1) the effect of th e work experience ( working peri o d a nd traini n g p er i od) on employability skills mastery level (tech n ologica l skills, fundamental skills, personal management skills, and wor k s k ills) ; and (2) t h e effec t of working p eriod, employability ski ll s mastery l eve l , emp l oya b ility ski ll s use d , andfrequency of employability skills used on earnings. The subjects of the s tudy were ITHVS g ra duate workforces of Bandar Lampu n g Municipality. The datafor study were co ll ected through questio n naire s (selfreports). The stat i s t ica l a n a l ysis tec h niqu e s used were canonica l correlation and multip l e re g ression . The resu l ts of the study show that: (1) The canonical independ e nt varia bl e (the working period and training period) has a pos i t i ve i m pact on techno l ogical skills (with canonical loading 0.98) , on fundamental skills (0.06), on personal m anagement skills (0 . 57), on team wo r k skills (0 . 12) ; and (2) the earni n g received by the ITVHS ' graduate wo r kers is o nl y affected by their workingperiod (earnings = 698,185 + 23,383 wor kingperiod)

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