
The human-earth connection is a sustained theme in Petra Müller’s oeuvre. The article focuses on this connection as reflected in her narrative art, specifically in accounts that have an autobiographical proclivity. The aim of this article is to outline the nature-centred disposition of Müller’s narrative art in a more definite sense. This is achieved by paying attention to the manner in which the author (the ‘I’ in accounts where the narrator can be identified as the author herself) becomes part of the natural environment – whether on a sensory, an emotive, or an intellectual level – where she finds herself and the way she responds to it. At the core of the investigation are the ways in which this reactive engagement is manifested in Müller’s prose work by the implied author and the technique ofemplaced writing. Emplaced writing, a concept created by Linda Russo, was integrated by Susan Smith with Lawrence Buell’s concept of emplacement. This term refers to the technique allowing an active awareness of self and the place physically occupied by the author, as well as how that body fits into this place, to find expression. A broader perspective and greater appreciation of Müller’s work are drawn from the insight into how her close coexistence with the earth is reflected in her narrative art by means of the technique of emplaced writing which is explored in this article as it gives voice to a strong ecocentric disposition.


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  • Emplaced writing figuring as a manifestation of an ecocentric mindset in the narrative art of Petra Müller

  • The article focuses on this connection as reflected in her narrative art, in accounts that have an autobiographical proclivity

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Original Research

Ingeplaaste skryf as vergestalting van ekosentriese ingesteldheid in Petra Müller se verhaalkuns. Met die keuse van bundels wat in die ondersoek betrek word, en meer spesifiek nog met die keuse van die verhale wat uit ’n bepaalde bundel gebruik word, word juis gefokus op daardie werk waarin dit duidelik blyk dat die belewende en vertellende instansie nie losgedink kan word van die skrywer self nie, aangesien die plekke van Müller se persoonlike verblyf en die mense in haar eie lewe herhaaldelik daarin figureer. In hierdie studie word die gegewe van Müller se skrywersteenwoordigheid in die uitgebeelde ervarings, die situasie van skrywer as verteller, in die gekose verhale juis benut om ondersoek in te stel na die wyse waarop haar reaksie op haar natuuromgewing in haar werk manifesteer via ’n tegniek in die hand van die implisiete outeur wat as ingeplaaste skryf geïdentifiseer word. Daardie eienskappe wat as eiesoortig en kenmerkend van haar verhaalkuns in studies en besprekings van haar werk uitgesonder word, word vlugtig verken

Die eiesoortige stem van Petra Müller in die verhaalkuns
Ingeplaaste skryf
Aspekte van ingeplaaste skryf in Müller se verhale
Mededingende belange
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