
The smallest social unit in society is the household or family, and this has a significant impact on the personality development of each family member and the way they interact with other people. The aim of this research is to identify the causes and various forms of domestic violence in Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. and Factors influencing the occurrence of domestic violence in Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. This research uses empirical methodology, with data sourced from literature reviews and field investigations. The research was conducted in Central Sulawesi Province, in Banggai Regency. collecting information in the field through field work, interviews and observations. After that, qualitative descriptive analysis was used to test the data. Research findings show that in Banggai district, Central Sulawesi Province, there are very frequent cases of domestic violence where the victims are generally women. In addition, a number of laws and regulations have been enacted to protect women who are victims of domestic violence. Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence is one of the legal regulations that specifically regulates domestic violence. However, the many laws and regulations governing women's safety do not adequately consider women's needs to protect them from crimes involving domestic violence. Economic problems, social media, adultery and drug use are key variables that influence the incidence of domestic violence. So it is hoped that the government, police and society can work together to combat acts of domestic violence in order to minimize physical, psychological and sexual domestic crimes and create a harmonious household environment.

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