
ABSTRACTThe present article investigates socio-psychological conditions for the formation of ideas about the spiritual ideal for children of primary school age. The criteria (value-positive attitude of the child to the ideals of Beauty and Good, identification with the ideal bearers, imitation of the behaviour of people and literary characters, understanding of children’s own ideas about the spiritual ideal), indicators and levels (high, average, low) for the formation of the idea of a spiritual ideal in children of elementary school age are established. The results based on age and gender specifics and levels of formation of ideas about the spiritual ideal of primary school children are obtained. The factors influencing formation of the spiritual ideal and socio-psychological conditions of its formation are revealed: the peculiarities of relationships with others (parents, teachers, friends, peers, acquaintances and strangers); influence of mass media (TV products, computer network, radio information, books, literary works, magazines, newspapers); artistic aesthetic influence (works of art and theatre, communication with nature, aesthetic priorities and preferences, artistic amateur activities).

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