
Ex vivo ratiometric measurements of short- and long-T2 components using the multiple spin echo sequence of MRI are often employed to evaluate alterations in myelin content in the white matter (WM) of the brain. However, the relationship between absolute MRI-T2 values (long-T2 component) and myelin volumetric information in aged ex vivo rodent WM appears to be influenced by factors such as animal species, field strength, and fixation durations/washing. Here, multiple spin echo sequence-based MRI-R2 (the reciprocal of T2) values were measured in the corpus callosum (CC) region in the post-mortem rat brains (n = 9) of different age groups with common fixation techniques without washing at 7 T. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)-based quantification of myelin volume fraction (MVF) and corresponding Monte-Carlo simulation to estimate relaxation rates (R2,IE) due to diffusion in the presence of inhomogeneous magnetic field perturbation in intra- and extra-cellular (IE) spaces were respectively performed. To determine whether the short-T2 components originating from myelin water were mixed with long-T2 components from IE water or were undetectable, the MVF values obtained from TEM results were respectively compared with MRI-R2 and R2,IE values. A significant correlation (Pearson's correlation coefficient r = 0.8763; p < 0.01) of average MRI-R2 and MVF values was observed. Estimated R2,IE values from Monte-Carlo simulations in IE water signals were also positively correlated (r = 0.8281; p < 0.01) with MVF values. However, the magnitudes of R2,IE values were much smaller than those observed for MRI-R2 values, indicating that changes in R2 related MVF are likely dominated by myelin water components. Such comparisons between independent parameters from MRI, TEM, and simulations support the suggestion that myelin water signals were indistinguishably mixed to exhibit mono-exponential T2 relaxation, and multiple spin echo sequence-based MRI-R2 values in aging ex vivo rat CC without prolonged washing still reflect the volumetric information of myelin, likely due to enhanced water exchange across the myelin.

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