
Aquifer geohydraulic properties such as hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity are very vital parameters in groundwater resource management and exploitation. In this study, electrical resistivity investigation was carried out using a SAS 4000 model of ABEM Terrameter and its accessories. Altogether, 13 locations were considered for vertical electrical soundings across the area of study using the Schlumberger array and a maximum current electrode separation AB of 400 m. The results of the sounding interpretation reveal that the study area comprises four geoelectric layers with their characteristic resistivities and thicknesses. The third layer interpreted as saturated coarse sand constitutes the major aquifer in the area with a resistivity range of 50.3–2088.9 Ωm and thickness of 14.9–81.7 m. The estimated aquifer transmissivity ranges from 10.5 to 178.7 m2/day, while the hydraulic conductivity ranges from 0.71 to 4.05 m/day. Least-squares regression analysis was utilized to establish empirical relations between the aquifer geoelectric and geohydraulic properties. The established relations show excellent correlations, showing that aquifer geohydraulic properties can be estimated with high degree of confidence from surface resistivity data at ease and less cost in the area and other areas with similar geology.

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