
Ideal-filter CE (IFCE) is a method for the selection of affinity binders for protein targets from oligonucleotide libraries, for example, random-sequence oligonucleotide libraries and DNA-encoded libraries, in a single step of partitioning. In IFCE, protein-oligonucleotide complexes and unbound oligonucleotides move in the opposite directions, facilitating very high efficiency of their partitioning. For any given protein target and oligonucleotide library, protein-oligonucleotide complexes and unbound oligonucleotides move in the opposite directions only for a limited range of EOF mobilities, which, in turn, corresponds to a limited range of pH and ionic strength values of the running buffer. Rational design of IFCE-based partitioning requires a priori knowledge of this range of pH and ionic strength values, and here we introduce an approach to predict this range for a given type of the running buffer. The approach involves measuring EOF mobilities for a relatively wide range of pH and ionic strength(I) values and finding an empirical predictor function that related the EOF mobility with pH and ionic strength. In this work, we developed a predictor function for a running buffer (Tris-HCl) that is commonly used in CE-based partitioning of affinity binders for protein targets. This predictor function can be immediately used for the rational design of IFCE-based partitioning in this running buffer, while the described approach will be used to develop predictor functions for other types of running buffer if needed.

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