
The psychological impact of COVID-19 can actually attack the mental health of pregnant women, such as anxiety and even depression. During pregnancy, physical and mental disorders can occur and have an impact on the health of the mother or baby. There is also a lack of knowledge, since a mother may find it difficult to distinguish between symptoms that are usual and those that are not. A digital platform could be an easier way to find solutions for women during pregnancy related to their physical and mental health issues. Product development was created to implement the right ideas by absorbing customer requirements and using the Lean Startup methodology, and design thinking approach. The ‘Get Well Mom’ project aims to give mental health services to pregnant women, in terms of education from experts and supporting systems, which in this issue describe as the closest person to them. The research project also discussed the business analysis and the financial performance of ‘Get Well Mom’. In doing marketing, online marketing is implemented to increase the website’s traffic. Customer acquisition strategy implemented to acquire new customers to promote the products. The output of this project research will lead to further optimistic development of the ‘Get Well Mom’ digital platform itself.

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