
Using the latest published, empirically refined potential energy surface (PES) Ames-1 and purely ab initio CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pV(Q+d)Z dipole moment surface (DMS), we have computed infrared line lists for five symmetric isotopologues of sulfur dioxide: 32S16O2 (626), 33S16O2 (636), 34S16O2 (646), 36S16O2 (666), and 32S18O2 (828). The line lists are based on J=0–80 rovibrational variational calculations with E′⩽8000cm−1. The 34S16O2 and 33S16O2 line lists are compared to the experiment-based models in the HIgh-resolution TRANsmission molecular absorption database (HITRAN2012, http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/hitran/) and the Cologne Database for Molecular Spectroscopy, CDMS (http://www.astro.uni-koeln.de/cdms/). The accuracy for computed 646 band origins is similar to what has been reported for the main isotopologue, i.e. 0.01–0.03cm−1 for bands up to 5500cm−1. For rovibrational transitions, the 646 line position and intensity deviation patterns are much simpler and more self-consistent than those of the main isotopologue 626. The discrepancies are mainly found for higher Ka/J transitions. 626 and 646 exhibit comparable line position and intensity agreement for lower Ka/J transitions. The line position deviations for the 636 purely rotational band are parallel to those of 626 and 646, while its line intensity deviations do not show branching patterns as we found in the 626 and 646 cases. Predictions for the other minor isotopologues are expected to exhibit similar accuracy. These line lists are accurate enough to provide alternatives for missing bands of 626 and the minor isotopologues. It may significantly facilitate the laboratory spectroscopic measurement and analysis, as well as to identify these isotopologues in various astrophysical environments.

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