
Adaptive phenotypic divergence of sympatric morphs in a single species may have significant evolutionary consequences. In the present study, phenotypic impacts of predator on zooplankton prey populations were compared in two northern Finnish lakes; one with an allopatric whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus (L.), population and the other with three sympatric whitefish populations. First, we examined whether there were phenotypic associations with specific niches in allopatric and sympatric whitefish. Second, trait utility (i.e. number of gillrakers) of allopatric and sympatric whitefish in utilizing a pelagic resource was explored by comparing predator avoidance of prey, prey size in environment, and prey size in predator diet. The allopatric living large sparsely rakered (LSR) whitefish morph, was a generalist using both pelagic and benthic niches. In contrast, sympatric living whitefish morphs were specialized: LSR whitefish was a littoral benthivore, small sparsely rakered whitefish was a profundal benthivore and densely rakered (DR) whitefish was a pelagic planktivore. In the lake with allopatric whitefish, zooplankton prey did not migrate vertically to avoid predation whereas, in the lake with sympatric whitefish, all important prey taxa migrated significantly. Trait utility was observed as significantly smaller size of prey in environment and predator diet in the lake with DR whitefish than in the lake with only LSR whitefish. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92, 561–572. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: adaptive radiation – diel vertical migration – gillraker – niche segregation – resource polymorphism – speciation – zooplankton.

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