
We proposed several empirical equations about the electromagnetic force and gravity. The main three equations were connected mathematically. However, these equations have small errors of approximately 10-3. Therefore, we attempted to improve the accuracy. Regarding the factors of 9/2 and π, we used 4.48870 and 3.13189, respectively. Then, the errors become smaller than 10-5. However, we could not show any reasons for these compensations. We noticed the following equations. , . Then, we can explain the von Klitzing constant Rk=3.131777037×4.488855463×13.5×136.0113077. It is well known that the von Klitzing constant can be measured with very high accuracy. We examined this equation for the von Klitzing constant in detail. Then, we noticed that 136.0113 should be uniquely determined. The von Klitzing constant is highly related to the fine-structure constant. After the examination of the numerical connections, we can explain the value of 137.035999081 as a fine-structure constant with very high accuracy. Then, we attempt to explain this value from Wagner’s equation.

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