
The empirical correlations for the prediction of penetration height of liquid jet in crossflow are reviewed and classified in this study. Around thirty different correlations had been proposed by many investigators. It has generally known that the penetration height of a liquid jet in a cross-flow is a function of the liquid to air momentum flux ratio and the normalized downstream distance from the injector. However, several researchers incorporated the Weber number, liquid-to-water or air viscosity ratio, pressure ratio or Reynolds number, temperature ratio in the empirical correlations. The existing correlations can be grouped as correlations in a power-law, logarithmic, and exponential forms, respectively. Correlations in a power-law form can be further classified as three groups such as basic form, Weber number form and other parameters form. It should be pointed out that correlations in a logarithmic form in terms of Weber number or any other parameters could not be found. Universal correlation has still not been established due to the significant discrepancies between various correlations suggested to date. Several of the studies reported the significant discrepancies of predicted values by the existing correlations. The possible reasons for discrepancies will be summarized as measurement technique, assumptions made in defining terms in the liquid to air momentum flux ratio, difficulties in defining the boundaries of the liquid jets, and nozzle/injector geometry. Evaluation of validity for the correlations proposed recently by several investigators is essentially required. Those include eight power-law forms, two logarithmic forms, and one exponential form.

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