
Abstract The oil and gas industry has been a primary source for energy generation, meeting the ever-increasing demands of industrialization and transportation. However, the overuse of fossil fuels has led to severe environmental consequences. In response to this concern, the Paris Agreement was initiated, aiming for Net Zero emissions by 2050. As a result, companies have been actively searching for sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels, with carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) emerging as one of the most promising solutions. CCUS involves post-combustion carbon capture, pre-combustion, and oxyfuel combustion methods. Ongoing research is focused on evaluating the economic viability and optimization of CCUS projects, as well as exploring their potential in different geological formations. This research paper specifically examines the untapped potential of repurposing abundant oil and gas wells for CCUS. The study presents a groundbreaking approach to sustainable resource utilization and conducts in-depth analyses of various CCUS methods. The paper also addresses the economic and technical challenges that arise during the transition from oil and gas extraction to CCUS, emphasizing the importance of Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) practices and rigorous well testing. It provides a comprehensive understanding of potential hurdles and viable solutions, focusing on the efficient integration of CCUS technologies with existing infrastructure. The importance of purpose-driven strategies and compassionate leadership in the global context of CCUS is highlighted by this research. Empathetic leadership ensures that the shift from traditional extraction to CCUS goes more smoothly by acknowledging the human element of the process and looking out for the welfare of affected communities as well as the workforce. Purpose-driven strategies provide a holistic approach to sustainable resource utilization by coordinating industry goals with more general environmental objectives. When navigating the challenges of repurposing oil and gas wells for CCUS, policymakers and industry stakeholders can benefit greatly from this nuanced perspective. The research aims to contribute to the understanding of sustainable resource utilization and promote the adoption of CCUS as a crucial component in achieving global climate goals. By amalgamating technical processes, environmental considerations, HSE standards, and well testing protocols, this research provides valuable insights for policymakers, industry stakeholders, and researchers interested in the sustainable and innovative repurposing of abandoned oil and gas wells for CCUS.

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