
The subject of research in this article is emotional and evaluative communicemas in two works of modern literature: M. L. Stepnova’s «The Garden» and E. S. Chizhova’s «The Time of Women». The object of the study is communicemas – communicative, non-predicative units of syntax related to the level of syntactic expressiveness. Author pays special attention to the structural composition and semantic functional characteristics of the communicemas in a literary text-dialogue in order to display the psychological emotions, states and relationships of the characters, thereby increasing the tension and reality of the situation. The purpose of the work is to identify the connection between communicemas as a means of expressing emotional assessment and social and speech characteristics of characters in texts of modern literature. The article identifies the main types of communicemas used by the heroes of the works «The Garden» and «The Time of Women», proposes their classification depending on the functional role in the character’s speech and in the dialogue. The methodological basis of the study consists of structural-semantic, descriptive, comparative and classification methods. The theoretical basis of the study is work in the field of linguistic description of means of expressing emotional assessment, in particular, communicemas as ways of transmitting an emotional reaction through speech. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the comprehensive analysis of the semantic structure and pragmatics of emotional-evaluative communicemas within the framework of modern prose dialogic contexts. As a result of the study, it was revealed that communicemas as a phenomenon of living speech are one of the forms of conversational and dialogical speech and are indispensable as a means of effective expressiveness of the author in literary works. The results of the study can be used to provide information to students during classroom teaching, as well as for scientific research. By analyzing dialogue situations in literary works, one can better understand the author's intentions and the emotional characteristics of the characters. At the same time, it helps students improve their literary reading abilities and better understand the subtext of literary works and the cultural and historical background behind them.

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