
The problem for the research. A language as a means of communication relates to the basics of people’s worldview, to the sphere of their emotional response. The process of teaching foreign languages is associated with the entry of students into the world of emotions and values of representatives of another culture. The search for means of implementing the emotional value orientation of a teaching process makes us turn to the emotional value technology. We intend to characterize its use and prove its effectiveness at the stage of implementing foreign-language communication in a secondary school. Methods of investigation. 78 students of the 9th grades of schools in Kirov and the city district “Lesnoy” (Sverdlovsk region, Russian Federation) participated in the experimental work. In order to obtain experimental data of a subject character, the method of calculating the success rate was used (V. P. Bespalko, A. N. Shamov); of metasubject and personal character – the questionnaire “Formation of universal educational actions” by L. I. Timonina; of personal character – the author’s method “Determining the level of students’ proficiency in the system of national and universal values in a foreign language class”; “Emotional intelligence” by N. Hall; the questionnaire by A. V. Zverkov and E. V. Eidman “Research of volitional self-regulation”. To process the results, methods of mathematical statistics were applied: standard deviation, F-criterion. The findings of the study. At the end of the experimental training, the level of proficiency in subject educational results increased in 86 % of schoolchildren, and only in 14% it did not change. Concerning the metasubject results, the corresponding indicators are 85 and 15%; in the sphere of personal results – 88 and 12. The differences in the results of students in the control and experimental groups are explained not by random reasons, but by conducting experimental training (F = 1.7/1; 1.65/1 and 1.0022/1 (p<0,05) respectively). The data indicate the effectiveness of the emotional value technology. Conclusions. In the process of adaptation, the technology model acquired the ability to function in the conditions of the stage of implementing communication. The results of using the technology are of a subject, metasubject and personal character. This is a contribution to the formation of an integral linguistic and cultural personality of a student. Keywords: teaching foreign languages, the emotional value orientation, the emotional value technology, technology adaptation, foreign-language communication

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