
The study was primarily conducted in order to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence, organizational justice, character development, and self-correct among school leaders as perceived by teachers. The study employed multiple regression, which showed a causal relationship between the latent variables. The 173 respondents were chosen through simple random sampling from Davao City. Adapted survey questionnaires were used in the data gathering and underwent validation process from the content validators and underwent pilot testing for content reliability and validity. Findings revealed that the latent variables: emotional intelligence, organizational justice, character development, and self-correct were manifested all the time. Moreover, there was a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and self-correct, organizational justice and self-correct, and character development and self-correct. On the other hand, a significant influence of the emotional intelligence and self-correct showed that there is an influence of indicators of the predictor variable motivating one-self, self-awareness, and social skills on self-correct. Indicators of managing emotions and empathy have no significant influence on self-correct. Moreover, regression analysis on the significance of the influence of organizational justice on self-correct, indicators of procedural justice, interpersonal justice, and informational justice showed significant influence on self-correct. The indicators of distributive justice showed no significant influence. Further, regression analysis on the influence of character development, an indicator of strong leadership showed significant influence. Based on the findings, emotional intelligence, organizational justice, and character development have significant relationships on self-correct among school leaders as perceived by teachers.

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