
Emotional intelligence is the ability of individual to analyze own emotion,behaviour and feelings and then use those emotion and feelings to guide one’sthinking and action. Understanding other’s emotions,behaviours and feelings is the key factor in achieving the required goal. This study aims to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and occupational stress in private banks located in Tilottama municipality. The study uses a quantitative research method and develops different scales to create questionnaires for employees of private banks. The questionnaires measure four variables: occupational stress, self-regulation, relationship management, and self-motivation. The study finds a significant negative correlation between EI and occupational stress, indicating that higher levels of EI are associated with lower levels of stress. The study also finds that employees with higher levels of EI are better able to regulate their emotions and manage their relationships with others, leading to better job performance and satisfaction. The study suggests that companies can benefit from promoting EI training and development programs to help employees manage their emotions and reduce job stress. Keywords: occupational stress, emotional intelligence, self regulation, self motivation and relationship management

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