
In this study emotion-based face expression recognition framework has been proposed using a machine vision (MV) approach. The face emotion dataset has been collected local survey in Bahawalpur city dataset divide into 3 classes happy, sad, and angry. A total of 600 images of size (256 x 256) were transformed into a gray level format and employed a median filter for noise removal. Three non-overlapping regions of interest (ROIs) of size (50 x 50) have been taken and analyze 1800 (600 x 3) ROIs on the overall dataset. Total 45 Statistical features named as texture, histogram, and binary features were extracted. Select optimize features using the correlation-based feature section technique. The optimized dataset employed of MV classifiers namely random forest (RF), logistic (Lg), and J48 are obtained very promising accuracy 96.33%, 95.67%, and 95.33% respectively.

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