
Expression recognition or Emotional state recognition using holistic and feature information is the vital step in Driver Assistance System. Many researchers have work on Facial Gesture or Emotion recognition independently. The purpose of the present paper is to deal with Simultaneous Facial Gesture tracking and Emotion recognition with Soft Computing tool like Fuzzy rule based system (FBS). In Human Centered Transportation large number of road accidents took place due to drowsiness or bad mood of the driver. The system proposed in this paper take into account both the Facial Gesture tracking and Emotion recognition so that if there is any sign of less attentiveness of the driver or driver's fatigue the car will be switch to automatic mode. A novel fuzzy system is created, whose rules is being defined through analysis of Facial Gesture variations. The idea behind this paper is to detect Facial Gesture by detecting the motion of eyes & lips along with classification of different facial expressions into one of the four basic human emotions, viz. happy, anger, sad, and surprise with fuzzy rule based system for better system performance. The given system proposes 91.66% accuracy for Facial Gesture detection & 90% accuracy for Emotion recognition while using Simultaneous Facial Gesture detection and Emotion recognition it provides 94.58% accuracy.

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