
As enterprises merge, split up, or grow, existing legacy systems from different vendors implemented in different programming languages and running in different environments as well as roll-your-own applications have to be integrated. This fact is denoted as the Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) problem and is one of the major challenges IT departments are facing today. As a result of the need for operational flexibility and reuse, Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) gain more and more importance as they allow for a flexible and standardised way to describe, reuse and integrate services in heterogeneous application landscapes. Enterprise Application Integration Patterns (EAI Patterns) are a means to describe integration problems using a set of patterns. The patterns therefore present nuggets of advice on how to solve complex recurring integration problems. In this paper we introduce a platform independent approach (EMod) to model, describe and enact EAI patterns in service-oriented architectures. We describe how EMod can be used to build stand-alone EAI solutions that integrate different applications in a Software as a Service (SaaS) environment. Furthermore we show how EMod can be used as a part of an application to integrate services into composite service-oriented applications. This is done by integrating EMod into the Service Component Architecture (SCA).

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