
This work studied the variation in spectral emissivity with growth of oxide layer at the different temperatures. For this reason, we measured the normal spectral emissivity during the growth of oxide layer on the sample surface at a wavelength of 1.5 μm over a temperature range 800–1100 K. In the experiment, the temperature was measured by the two thermocouples, which were symmetrically welded onto the front surface of specimens. The average of their readings was regarded as the true temperature. The detector should be perpendicular to the specimen surface as accurately as possible. The variation in spectral emissivity with growth of oxide layer was evaluated at a certain temperature. Altogether 11 emissivity models were evaluated. The conclusion was gained that the more the number of parameters used in the models was, the better the fitting accuracy became. On the whole, all the PEE models, the four-parameter LEE model and the five-parameter PFE, PLE and LEE models could be employed to well fit this kind of variation. The variation in spectral emissivity with temperature was determined at a certain thickness of oxide film. Almost all the models studied in this paper could be used to accurately evaluate this variation. The approximate models of spectral emissivity as a function of temperature and oxide-layer thickness were proposed. The strong oscillations of spectral emissivity were observed, which were affirmed to arise from the interference effect between the two radiations stemming from the oxide layer and from the substrate. The uncertainties in the temperature of steel 430 generated only by the surface oxidization were approximately 4.1–10.7 K in this experiment.

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