
The endocrine system is responsible for secreting and controlling hormones crucial in regulating key body activities. However, endocrine disruptors or endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can harm human health and well-being by interfering with this complex process. This report seeks to assess the present state of understanding about endocrine disruptors in China, including their origins, impacts, and obstacles, and to provide actionable recommendations for reducing exposure and mitigating negative effects. Strong negative correlations between ANOE and rural ecological compensation (REC) and a negative correlation between ANOE and forest coverage (FC) were found in this analysis of the relationships between agricultural nitrous oxide emissions (ANOE), agricultural methane emissions (AME), and land use and land cover variables (LUPC). Just as LUPC is significantly inversely related to FC, AME is positively related. The team uses a gradient-boosted model (GBM) with a Gaussian loss function and fine-tunes the model's parameters to achieve optimal performance and reliable prediction results. With a relative relevance score of 90.36 for ANOE and 67.64 for AME, the analysis shows that LUPC is the most important factor in influencing emission levels. This study aims to increase knowledge of endocrine disruptors' potential advantages and disadvantages in outdoor exercise. The study aims to aid in preventing and managing many diseases and disorders caused by hormonal imbalances or disruptions by examining the origins, effects, and potential mitigation of these substances during outdoor activity. Safe and healthful outdoor exercise is promoted by the study's efforts to discover and implement effective and sustainable solutions to decrease emissions and exposure to endocrine disruptors. This comprehensive study aims to promote a healthier and more sustainable environment for individuals engaging in outdoor exercise by synthesizing current knowledge, providing practical recommendations, and emphasizing the importance of awareness and action.

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