
Although extensive research has been carried out to describe the transmission pathways ofCampylobacterentering livestock farms, the role of livestock farms as source ofCampylobactercontamination of the environment is still poorly investigated. It is assumed thatCampylobacter-positive livestock farms contribute to an environmental contamination, depending on the animal species on the farm, theirCampylobacterstatus, the housing system, manure management as well as their general farm hygienic and biosecurity management. Different emission sources, like manure, air, water, insects and rodents as well as personnel, including equipment and vehicles, contribute toCampylobacteremission into the environment. Even thoughCampylobacterare rather fastidious bacteria, they are able to survive in the environment for even a longer period of time, when environmental conditions enable survival in specific niches. We conclude that a significant reduction ofCampylobacteremission in the environment can be successfully achieved if various intervention strategies, depending on the farm type, are applied simultaneously, including proper general and personal hygiene, establishing of hygienic barriers, insect controls, manure management and hygienization of stables, barns and exhaust air.

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