
To observe the dynamical Casimir effect (DCE) induced by a moving mirror is a long-standing challenge because the mirror velocity needs to approach the speed of light. Here, we present an experimentally feasible method for observing this mechanical DCE in an optomechanical system. It employs a detuned, parametric driving to squeeze a cavity mode, so that the mechanical mode, with a typical resonance frequency, can parametrically and resonantly couple to the squeezed cavity mode, thus leading to a resonantly amplified DCE in the squeezed frame. The DCE process can be interpreted as {\it mechanically-induced two-photon hyper-Raman scattering} in the laboratory frame. Specifically, {\it a photon pair} of the parametric driving absorbs a single phonon and then is scattered into an anti-Stokes sideband. We also find that the squeezing, which additionally induces and amplifies the DCE, can be extremely small. Our method requires neither an ultra-high mechanical-oscillation frequency (i.e., a mirror moving at nearly the speed of light) nor an ultrastrong single-photon optomechanical coupling and, thus, could be implemented in a wide range of physical systems.

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