
Patients with hemophilia A (PwHA) may have concurrent deficiency of representative anticoagulant proteins, protein (P)C, PS, and antithrombin (AT), which reduces bleeding frequency. However, emicizumab-driven hemostasis in PwHA with such thrombophilic potential remains unclarified. This study investigated the influence of natural anticoagulants on emicizumab-driven coagulation in HA model plasma. Various concentrations of PS and AT were added to PS-deficient plasma and AT-deficient plasma in the presence of anti-FVIII antibody (FVIIIAb; 10BU/mL). PC-deficient plasma was mixed with normal plasma at various concentrations in the presence of FVIIIAb. Emicizumab (50µg/mL) was added to these thrombophilic HA model plasmas, prior to tissue factor/ellagic acid-triggered thrombin generation assays. Co-presence of emicizumab increased peak thrombin values (PeakTh) dependent on PS, AT, and PC concentrations. Maximum coagulation potentials in the PS-reduced HA model plasmas remained normal in the presence of emicizumab. PeakTh were close to normal in the presence of 50%AT irrespective of emicizumab, but were higher than normal in the presence of 25%AT. Addition of recombinant FVIIa (corresponding to an administered dose of 90μg/kg) enhanced coagulation potential to normal levels. Our findings provide novel information on hemostatic regulation in emicizumab-treated PwHA with a possible thrombophilic disposition.

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