
Modern electronic systems require tiny, high-qualit y, less weight, reliable and efficient power suppli es. Linear power regulator whose principle of operation is based on a voltage or cur rent divider is inefficient sometimes. This is beca use their output voltage is smaller than the input voltage and also they require low fr equency (50 or 60 Hz) transformers and filters. The ir main area of application is at lower power levels; but at higher levels, switching regulators are used. They use semiconductor switch es for the purpose of turning off and on states. Because there is a power loss in tho se states, switching regulators can achieve high en ergy conversion efficiencies and that is the major advantage. Power electronic syste ms such as switching power supplies are accounted anoise source for their sensitive circuits. EMI caused by the converters ca n disturb the normal operation of the supply and ot her systems by coupling with the nearby devices. Hence the overall performance of th e system is reduced Major focus is done on the rad iated EMI mitigation for the power converters in which the main standard is the compliance with the EMC standard to ensure the prop er operation of the converter and nearby systems. Buck converter is a sconverter which is one of the most widely used topologies among the different DC-DC topologies. In the forward topology , we are providing the galvanic isolation which iso lates the functional sections of the electrical systems to prevent the current flow. No direct conduction is permitted. In this paper, different topologies are discussed and implemented which can reduce the Radiated Emiss ion (RE) and MILSTD 461/462 will be the underlying EMC standard.

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