
Emerson Process Management is collaborating with members of leading global standards groups to enhance Device Description Language (DDL) technology. After carefully considering user needs, Emerson believes enhanced DDL offers a better solution than a proposed alternative called Field Device Tool/Device Type Manager (FDT/DTM). DDL provides underlying technology for use by host suppliers to design robust human-machine interface (HMI) and automation interfaces, and enhancements being developed will add to this functionality. DDL-based field devices from all suppliers will interface identically to the various hosts. When host operating system changes are needed, the host suppliers have complete ability to make all upgrades; field device descriptions are unaffected. FDT/DTM technology development has recently been undertaken by the FDT Joint Interest Group (FDT JIG) as an alternative with goals described as similar to the DDL collaboration. While the goals are unarguable, Emerson's review of the FDT/DTM concept prompted concerns about important shortcomings for users based on technical issues. In Emerson's judgment, the proven DDL technology surpasses the FDT/DTM technology in meeting the following needs of end users: freedom of choice of instruments, equipment and systems; clarity and ease of use of HMI design and displays; streamlined integration of field devices; and efficient system upgrades.

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