
Background: The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a mega-project worth more than 54 billion US dollars, as a result of which bilateral relations between Pakistan and China reached new heights. The CPEC is designed to facilitate the establishment of links between Pakistan and the road network, railways and pipelines in conjunction with energy, industrial and other infrastructure projects to ensure the critical energy shortage necessary to enhance the economic growth in Pakistan.Objective: The main purpose of this article is to shed light on promotion of mutual understanding on China's initiative for the revival of the Silk Road and the benefits and challenges for the tourism industry which the CPEC can bring to the neighboring countries, especially Pakistan. A very new project will give us plenty of room to develop a number of innovative points greatly to improve the quality of services and the overall tourist experience in these new tourist destinations.Methodology: Qualitative research and analysis with the help of online research and data collection; the study of excellence in individual scenarios tourist sites, focusing on the aspects of service and policy will be useful to improve tourism on both sides via the Silk Road. Authors also collected data from tourist websites and recommend top rated tourist attractions on Silk Road from Khunjrab pass (border between china and Pakistan) to Gawadar, Pakistan. These tourists’ attraction are hints for tourists, travel agents and new researchers.


  • By the start of this century, World is rapidly progressing toward globalization

  • China-Pakistan economic corridor (CPEC) will provide new avenues of development, connection tourism and trade for Pakistan and China. It connects Chinese city of Kashgar with newly establishing Gwadar port via silk road which will be fully functional by the end of 2016

  • The major focus of this CPEC connection via Silk Road is trade, energy and development of rural areas of Pakistan which reflects to tourism directly and indirectly

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The main purpose of this article is to shed light on promotion of mutual understanding on China's initiative for the revival of the Silk Road and the benefits and challenges for the tourism industry which the CPEC can bring to the neighboring countries, especially Pakistan. Methodology: Qualitative research and analysis with the help of online research and data collection; the study of excellence in individual scenarios tourist sites, focusing on the aspects of service and policy will be useful to improve tourism on both sides via the Silk Road. Authors collected data from tourist websites and recommend top rated tourist attractions on Silk Road from Khunjrab pass (border between china and Pakistan) to Gawadar, Pakistan. These tourists’attraction are hints for tourists, travel agents and new researchers

Importance of CPEC for China
Importance of CPEC for Pakistan
Geographical Importance
Tourism in Pakistan
M urree
10 Lahore
11 Skardu
13 Deosai
Securi ty Measurements
Trade in Local Currency
Chinese Tourists:ATarget Market for Pakistan Tourism Industry?
Trend of China Outbound Tourism
Impact of CPEC on Chinese Tourists Vising Pakistan
Paki stan Government Role i n Boosting Touri sm i n Country
10. Concluding Remarks
Full Text
Paper version not known

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