
RNA viruses continue to pose significant threats to global public health, necessitating a profound understanding of their pathogenic mechanisms and the development of effective therapeutic interventions. This manuscript provides a comprehensive overview of emerging perspectives on RNA virus-mediated infections, spanning from the intricate intricacies of viral pathogenesis to the forefront of innovative therapeutic strategies. A critical exploration of antiviral drugs sets the stage, highlighting the diverse classes of compounds that target various stages of the viral life cycle, underscoring the ongoing efforts to combat viral infections. Central to this discussion is the exploration of RNA-based therapeutics, with a spotlight on messenger RNA (mRNA)-based approaches that have revolutionized the landscape of antiviral interventions. Furthermore, the manuscript delves into the intricate world of delivery systems, exploring inno-vative technologies designed to enhance the efficiency and safety of mRNA vaccines. By analyzing the challenges and advancements in delivery mechanisms, this review offers a roadmap for future research and development in this critical area. Beyond conventional infectious diseases, the document explores the expanding applications of mRNA vaccines, including their promising roles in cancer immunotherapy and personalized medicine approaches. This manuscript serves as a valuable resource for researchers, clinicians, and policymakers alike, offering a nuanced perspective on RNA virus pathogenesis and the cutting-edge therapeutic interventions. By synthesizing the latest advancements and challenges, this review contributes significantly to the ongoing discourse in the field, driving the development of novel strategies to combat RNA virus-mediated infections effectively.

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